I’ve been using GitHub Copilot for a few weeks now, and I’ve been using it for a few different things. I’ve been using it to write blog posts, I’ve been using it to write code, and I’ve been using it to write documentation.
I think it’s a great tool, and I think it’s a great tool for a lot of people. I think it’s a great tool for a lot of people who are not programmers, and I think it’s a great tool for a lot of people who are not programmers.
You’ll have guessed that the above lines were all auto-suggestions by GitHub Copilot, an AI pair-programming tool. In general it’s a surprisingly accurate caricature of my writing style - enough that I’ve started double-guessing myself when I write things that sound too AI-ey.
(For the avoidance of doubt, the rest of this article is old-school me - no artificial editorial assistance… for better or for worse.)
Since mid-December, I have been using Copilot in my day-to-day programming. I’ve been at points impressed, unimpressed, indifferent, and occasionally terrified. This post is an update on my thoughts about it. I’ll attempt to give it a balanced assesment, staying away from the blind hype and reductive disparagement that characterises a lot of the discourse around AI tooling at the moment.
It can enter data for you
Let’s start with probably the most positive use case I’ve found so far for Copilot: the way that it can transform semi-structured text into data.
Say you’ve got the following text file from a non-technical colleague, and need to put it into your database.
Joe Bloggs: 380pts, 390pts
Fred Nerk: 450pts
John Doe:390, 480, 225
Mario Rossi: 379pts
Morten Menigmand: 299pts
Juan Perez: 124
Monsieur Tout-le-monde: 236pts
Notice in particular how the data isn’t well formatted: sometimes pts
is missing, and the spacings are inconsistent.
Before Copilot, I would’ve either wasted an afternoon writing a flexible parser to extract the data, or built a backoffice data entry UI and then let the colleague enter it.
After Copilot, it is as simple as this:
This doesn’t just work with JSON-like objects - I’ve tested it with YAML, SQL, and more. You might think it would only work with the generic data I’ve put an example of here - but no: I use it every day for far more complicated proprietary data structures and it copes absolutely fine.
Caveats abound, of course. It does occasionally get it wrong, so it still needs supervision, and there is obviously an upper limit on the amount of data that it is sensible to enter via this method. However, when there isn’t that much data and the data structure is evolving very fast, the alternative of building a complicated entry UI and updating it on every data structure change would take far more time.
At every place I’ve worked there have been cases where careful usage of this feature would save huge amounts of time.
It is very good at boilerplate, which might weaken your code quality
Copilot will quite happily generate a bunch of unit tests for you. I see this as basically a good thing, and use it especially for the type of functions where I tend to make silly mistakes, such as flipping booleans around or array traversals with the potential for off-by-one errors. In general I’m happy for test code to be fairly repetitive, so this doesn’t bother me too much.
However, Copilot will equally happily generate repetitive production code for you. With Copilot, it is suddenly far easier to just let it auto-suggest a similar-but-different snippet after your existing one, than to extract the snippet into a reusable component and call that component twice. I’ve especially noticed this when writing things like reducers that are fairly repetitive at the best of times.
This really changes the dynamics of coding. If you let Copilot function like intelligent copy-and-paste, there’s even less pain attached to creating repetitious (i.e. buggy & difficult-to-maintain) code. The deja-vu feeling of “I’ve typed this before” doesn’t happen when you’ve not had to type anything yourself. Nor does the dirty feeling attached to pressing Ctrl+V come to haunt you - because you haven’t: you’ve just accepted a suggestion like any other.
I’ve learned to listen much more carefully to signals that the bit of code I’m working in might be poor-quality. Copilot doesn’t care - it will never suggest that you should refactor. (I hope a future iteration of the tool might do this.) Before accepting any potentially repetitious Copilot chunk, I try to ask myself: should I accept this, or should I refactor?
There is a flipside to this, of course. When you do extract a reusable component, Copilot will write that for you too! So it’s not all bad.
It is best used in statically typed languages
Copilot’s suggestions very often contain slight typos. For instance it might substitute firstname
for firstName
This is fine if you’re working in an environment where this kind of error will be immediately caught by a compiler, perhaps even underlined for you in your IDE via a language server.
It’s not fine if you’re an environment with no static analysis (e.g. a dynamically typed language or shell script) where that sort of thing will get all the way to runtime before you catch it.
It requires Stack Overflow discipline: don’t accept code you don’t understand
One of the ways GitHub suggest you use Copilot is to brief it for entire functions by writing a comment explaining what the function does above its name.
I don’t like using it this way.
Consider this code which was entirely a Copilot suggestion from my made-up brief in the comment. But don’t consider it for very long, because I didn’t.
// Recurse depth-first over an object or array picking
// only the leaves or array items that are null, or have
// a string equal to "brains"
const pickBrains = (obj) => {
if (obj === null) {
return obj;
} else if (typeof obj === 'string') {
return obj === 'brains' ? obj : null;
} else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj.map(pickBrains).filter((x) => x !== null);
} else {
const result = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
const picked = pickBrains(value);
if (picked !== null) {
result[key] = picked;
return result;
It’s probably fine… but it would take me nearly as long to read, understand, and verify as to simply write the thing myself, test-driven and to my own high coding standards. And it is so very tempting to skip or gloss over that verification step.
I have a personal policy never to paste code chunks from online: either understand the code fully and rewrite it to my own style, or find a high quality library that does the job. If it’s an emergency, I break the rule only with an editor fold around the code saying “Pasted from (wherever)” and rewrite it as soon as possible.
Applying the same policy to Copilot happens to navigate me around one of Copilot’s biggest controversies - that it will on occasion regurgitate unmodified potentially copyrighted code. Don’t use it for entire functions or blocks, and you simply won’t have this issue.
Overall I’ve been very impressed - enough to pay for a Copilot subscription going forward.
In general, Copilot is best treated like a very enthusiastic junior assistant. They type much faster than you, and they are much faster at searching for the answers to technical questions. But they are still a touch too indiscriminate in what they propose, and they rarely if ever understand the higher context.
You still need to be in the driving seat, composing little bits of functionality together into something that solves the business problem at hand, all the while keeping an eye on the quality of the code.
I thought I’d give Copilot a chance to respond to this article. Here’s what it said:
I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you’re saying. Could you rephrase that?